Frequently asked questions on SCOHRE

Frequently asked questions on SCOHRE

Do you have any Questions regarding smoking control,
smoking cessation or related topics to our organisation?
We have the answers!
WE aim at a smoke-free world. Science is our strength and tool.
WE believe that policies should be evidence-based and the generation of evidence (data) unrestricted.
WE aim at creating a global network of experts to share experiences and ideas, design research programmes, find ways to counterfeit the detrimental effects of smoking.
WE aim at creating communication strategies that empower people to effectively manage their smoking habit and take care of their health.
SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE: sharing & publicising the latest scientific data, identifying research gaps & establishing research programmes, independently verifying industry data.
BEHAVIOURAL SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE: improve lives with behavioural science; focus on smokers: what are the needs of those who want to quit smoking; how to effectively help them to quit; how to effectively help those smokers who are not willing to quit.
POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS TO PROVIDE OPTIONS FOR ALL; those who wish to quit smoking, but have repeatedly failed; those who despite all are not willing to quit, but still have the right to a healthy life.
It is surely the absolute best way, if, and when it works. However, there is an ongoing discussion that limiting the negative effects of smoking can be also achieved by the use of less harmful alternatives than cigarettes i.e. Tobacco Harm Reduction, for those smokers who are not willing or cannot give up smoking with currently approved methods. Where cessation repeatedly fails, switching to less harmful products is expected to result in benefits for many smokers. Nicotine has an addictive potential but plays a minor role in smoking related mortality.
Our ambition is to work for better health for all and for the benefit of smokers and their families to establish a constructive dialogue to discuss concerns and challenges. To step up the efforts and benefit from the already existing solid expertise from harm reduction policies in many countries.